Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day

Looks like Santa knew just what she wanted.

Our new puppy to be Tippy's buddy! Can you tell she was a sick little girl Christmas Day?? Poor thing could only breathe through her mouth.

Payten hugging her knew argyle Giraffe. She loves hugging her stuffed animals and dolls! Can you tell mommy just got out of bed too??!! YUCK!

Payten's new ball popper. Abby and I had tons of fun with this too!!!

We all loved being with my parents. It has been so many years since I have been able to spend time with them on Christmas day. Payten had a GREAT Christmas. She loved coming out to see what Santa gave her even though she had no clue what was going on!!! We hope everyone else had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did!!! We are so excited for many more Christmas' with Payten. We couldn't be more blessed. She is truly such a Joy to be around. We love her SO VERY MUCH. I think every day that she was more than worth the wait. I would do it all again in a heart beat!! Merry Christmas to Every one and a Happy New Year!!


Shauna said...

Oh no I'm sorry if Sally got Payten sick. She got some good stuff, though! I love the argyle giraffe.

Joseph & Marci McAllister said...

Well Sara you are certainly the cutest morning person I've seen. It doesn't look like there is a hair out of place. Payten and her dolls/stuff animals and Dillon and his trucks. Just how little boys and girls should be :).