Saturday, August 2, 2008


Payten has become quite the little dancer. Whenever she hears music her hips start moving. She hardly ever stands up and bounces, she always sways her hips. Sometimes she sways them so hard she almost falls over. I also caught her in the crawl position and she had to dance, that is a rarity, she is always standing. It is so cute that they naturally hear music and find the beat and dance!! Oh did you notice the music. One is rap the other is Barney. It does not matter she will dance to anything, even your singing. I LOVE IT!!!


Shauna said...

so cute! dancing babies are the best :)

Diana Waite said...

That is REALLY cute!

The Hall Family said...

She is so cute! Guess you will have to get her in dance class :)

Porters said...

Love the dancing! This is my favorite age, they start doing so much its such a joy to watch.
She is way to cute!

Tandee said...

What a cutie! She's got some moves! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara, I found your blog through Melissa's. Payten is so cute. I'll check in later with your blog to see what's happening.

Kaylani said... adorable! I love that you're getting to experience all of these joys first hand!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh- that's darling!