Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Addict

This is her binky now after her tantrums today!! She knows she only gets it when she goes to bed and when we get her up she has to put it in her crib. For the past few days she has been throwing fits and screaming and holding on to it when we tell her to leave it in her bed. Today was the WORST! So needless to say we lost our cool, took ALL of her binky's away. This one was her favorite so in front of her Linus cut a slit in the tip while she was screaming and gave it to her. She took it, sucked it and was happy. Soooo we cut a chunk off the top and the same thing she was happy and sucked it. SOOOOO we cut a HUGE chunk off. She was mad about it and has tried to keep it in her mouth but it keeps falling out. We told her it is yucky(if you know yucky with Payten you will understand) So she calls it her "yucky binky"! BUT she had to take her nap with it. Hopefully she will lose interest in it other wise I guess she gets this botched up binky!!

The videos are actually in reverse, actually this whole post but I dont want to redo it. The first one is after we let her out of her room and after the first chunk cut out. the last video is of her in her room kicking and hitting her door cause she has no binky!
And Yes, I would have a binky baby again. She loved it and it pacified her for the first 2 years of her life and that was WONDERFUL!!! I think it helped her be the perfect baby that she was. It is just now time to be a BIG girl!!


The*Evans*Family said...

I love that you took video of her throwing a fit. So funny that she still wanted the binky afterwards too.

Shauna said...

Is it bad that we were laughing? We're allowed cause we've been there. Getting rid of binky's is the worst! Good luck!

PS I keep forgetting to tell you...Baby Magic is back! The good scent! You probably already realized that, but just in case...

Porters said...

don't you just love crazy baby days!

Diana Waite said...

ah, I remember that all to WELL! Good luck, you can do it! :)

Melis said...

That just gave me de javu! We did that same thing with Emily. It was a wreck. Grandma weined Jacob of his and with Kamri, I just took it away when I weined her from nursing. I think Kamri's was the best though because she was done nursing and bye bye binkie at the same time -- we only had to go through it once!!! I hope things are going well for poor Payten now!

derrick said...

Oh that sound is all too familiar. If I close my eyes it sounds like Reagan during one of her fits.

The Cronin Family said...

HAHA that is so funny! I did the same thing to Audrey by cutting of the tip and she would not suck on them anymore. My neighbor did the balloon trick and tied them all to Balloons and told her son they were going to other babies that needed them. It actually worked for him. Good Luck!!

Joseph & Marci McAllister said...

I love it! This is so Dillon's story. I haven't cut the binki yet. But he throws pretty big fits about it and will stand by the cupboard we keep them in and cry for one.